All posts tagged NCAA

Darron Boatright, Wichita State Athletic Director

Darron Boatright is a native of Marshall County and was named Director of Athletics at Wichita State in 2016 after serving as the department’s chief operating officer, then interim director, since April 2015.

Darron discusses the lessons he learned from his dad while coaching his own son and the challenges of Mark Gottfried to add value to a program while at Murray State University, then onto the wild west atmosphere of the SEC (Southeastern Conference) and the University of Alabama.

There are somethings you do for a paycheck and Darron will tell you there are others that you do for the love of a sport he reveals a personal project and discovery he made that spans generations of Legendary National Championship Basketball Coaches.

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Here is proof once more that he is a legend in his own mind.

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Looks like Dax is in some pretty good company.  Click on “Related” and you will see some pretty big names in media.


Oh yeah, Duke won the National Championship the other day.  Listen to what Dax says about that.