What does a good person look like to you?
A good person is a productive citizen. You have to take care of your family and others. You have to have a relationship with a higher being. In our instance we believe in God, I know you do as well as I do.
I think at the end of the day you need to leave this world a better place because you were in it. There are so many people that you can’t say that about. Folks who do crimes, drugs and so many other ills of our society. To me a good person is someone who helps others who takes children under the wing and mentors and develops them and helps them achieve their goals in their life.
You don’t want to embarrass your family.
I think about someone like Jerry Clower. He made people laugh.
Ultimately is helping other enjoy life because you enjoy life.
At the end of the day man a laugh is free. If you can laugh, how bad can things be if you can laugh?
Laugh everyday!